Photo by on Unsplash

Photo by on Unsplash


Love is that thing ineffable, un-measurable, so of course here are some facts & stats on Valentine’s Day.


The most interest this year in the festival of the feast of St. Valentine which once again falls on the 14th of February comes from an unexpected quarter; Nepal. Fascinating for a country in which the process of finding a lover remains the task of parents. Perhaps the inevitability of marriages being arranged only serves to swell the interest in the idea of a true match of the heart.


Photo by Mesh on Unsplash

Photo by Mesh on Unsplash


Following hot on the heels of the Himalayan nation is Iran, followed by Panama, Honduras & Sri Lanka.


Online interest from those with a sweetheart of the female persuasion remain languid with searches for ‘Valentine Gifts for Him’, continuing to outstrip ‘Valentines Gifts for Her’ as they have for the last 3 years.


Whilst this might mean the flower stands at the local petrol station do a roaring trade at this time of year, we know you lot out there with a lady in your life can do better. Just as one for instance on how to buck up your ideas would be this delightful Renoir Roses crepe de chine silk scarf. What could be more perfect for the occasion?


Renoir Roses Crepe de Chine Silk Scarf

 Renoir Roses Crepe de Chine Silk Scarf


Whilst there appears to be no such thing as a conventional match-up in any romantic comedy movie, in preparation for Valentine’s Day online lovers have pointed a mouse this last week and perhaps surprisingly clicked to discover information on the 2006 movie ‘The Break Up’, starring Jennifer Aniston & Vince Vaughan, which as it says on the tin is a story about the end of a relationship!


The only options that garnered more interest for the potential snuggle-fest screening were Mamma Mia! (2008), its sequel Mamma Mia! - Here we Go Again (2018) & refreshingly Love, Simon (2018). Although classics like Pretty Woman (1990) and Dirty Dancing (1987) still linger around the top ten.


If either you or your lover are also a movie lover, maybe you could make these ‘Some Like it Hot!' bone china cuff links an appropriately steamy gift suggestion. Phew!


Some Like it Hot! Cuff Links

 Some Like it Hot! Cuff Links



Those of you, like us, from the UK who are looking for that valentine getaway still have the city of love, Paris top of your ideas lists, followed by Amsterdam, Gods own county of Yorkshire, and then Auld Reekie.


French Artist Robert Delaunay was a native Parisian who painted many views of the famous Eiffel Tower not long after its construction. Now a much loved centre-piece to the city at the time Delaunay was one of few artists to depict ‘la tour rouge’, as it was then known in a favourable light.


This silk bow tie after the work ‘Homage a Bleriot’ by Delaunay would make a daring and colourful addition to your dinner attire on that romantic weekend away.


Delaunay Bleriot Bow Tie

Delaunay Bleriot Bow Tie


What to share for the main course at dinner this 14th February seems not to be as important as what sweet things might be on the menu. Recipes for cakes, biscuits, pancakes and cheesecakes all have seen greater interest than for the first savoury dish on the list; Risotto.


And finally, a prominent and perennial ‘How to…’ search term made via everyone’s go to search engine, remains ‘How to know if a guy likes you?’. One way would be that he gifts you a beautiful gift this Valentine’s Day, like the Morris Honeysuckle chiffon scarf.

 Morris Honeysuckle Chiffon


Morris Honeysuckle Chiffon Scarf




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